Advisory Committee
Professor Muhittin SIMSEK, PhD, President of Board of Trustees of Khodja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
Professor Nuh Zafer CANTÜRK, PhD, Rector of Kocaeli University
Professor Muhsin KAR, PhD, Member of Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkiye
Congress Chair
Professor Nevzat SIMSEK, PhD, Rector of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, President of the Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Professor Selim SANLISOY, PhD, Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Associate Professor Suat BEYLUR, PhD, Khodja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
Professor Mert URAL, PhD, Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Organization Committee
Professor Erhan DEMİRELİ, PhD, Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Associate Professor Ömer AYDIN, PhD, Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Associate Professor Üzeyir AYDIN, PhD, Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Cengizhan CANALTAY, Khodja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
Tuğberk ÇİLOĞLU, Association of Economics, Finance and Energy (EFE)
Scientific Committee
Professor Hayal Ayca SIMSEK, PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Türkiye
Professor Kamil TUGEN, PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Türkiye